I was drawn to the practice of Massage Therapy after 10 years of working as a representative for an automobile insurance company. My personal experiences with the pains of whiplash and also sitting for long hours hunched over at a desk compelled me to search for pain relief.
After discovering the powerful effects of massage for myself, I felt a desire to pass on the gift of massage to others. I aspire to have a positive impact on the well being of others and facilitate healing through self-awareness. I combine my extensive training from Healing Mountain Massage School with my passion for healing not only on the physical level but also in the mental and spiritual/energetic layers.
I am a seeker of knowledge and consistently continuing my education. I add a recent certification as a Hendrickson Method Practitioner and this has revolutionized my approach to addressing chronic pain and acute injuries.
I specialize in treating neck and shoulder pain, whiplash, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, chronic pain, nerve impingements, low back pain, hip degeneration, surgery preparation, and stress reduction through various modalities.
My treatments are specifically tailored to the needs of each patient to make sure they receive the approach that works best for them. Time and again I have seen the incredible healing power of these treatments. Please contact me to find out more.
~ Rashelle